You've done your research, chosen the best dry food available and are about to transition your dog from their old to the new diet. We are going to ...
We are very proud to announce that have rated Wolfworthy as one of the Best British Dry Foods. Their old rating system which ...
When we created Wolfworthy we based our recipe on the diet of the Grey Wolf. Now, when a pack of wolves has made a kill, the first parts to be eate...
With so much delicious food around this Christmas, you may feel the temptation to include your dog in all the fun. Before the season is upon us rea...
Last year, a total of 419,000 tonnes of dry dog food was made in the UK. Most of this food was packaged into nearly 60 million plastic bags*. Dog f...
The Raw diet can be great and a good way to ensure your dog isn't eating any unhealthy food... but it's not for everyone. Wolfworthy is a healthy a...
Knowing what is in your dog’s food is key to ensuring they get the best chance at a happy, healthy life. Choosing a high-quality dog food that nour...
Dogs Today features Wolfworthy as one of the Top 6 Dog Foods available in the UK! We are extremely proud to be included in July's feature 'Six of ...
I have a huge amount of respect for dog owners who raw feed their dogs. At the heart of raw feeders is that they want to do the very best for their...
Whether it is Easter, May Day or Christmas, the British Bank Holiday is a wonderful opportunity to visit friends and family. Taking your dog with y...
The Problem Feeding a fussy dog can be challenging. Fussy dog parents have usually tried lots of foods, only to find their dog either turn up their...
We recently read some reports in the newspaper that really made us want to write a post about dog obesity. These reports were pretty sobering about...