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Cute puppy who is transitioning to Wolfworthy complete dry food

The Complete Puppy Feeding Guide

The Complete Puppy Feeding Guide

Getting your puppy off to a super start in life is easy with Wolfworthy. Whether you are weaning your pup onto our food or changing from the food they came home from the breeder on, this easy guide will ensure you get it right from the beginning.


Stick to the food your puppy is used to when you first bring them home

Leaving the litter and a change in environment is stressful for a puppy. The more things you can keep the same in the first week the better. Use the food the breeder has sent them home with and try to keep some over so you can use it to mix with Wolfworthy when you transition.

Find out your puppies Expected Adult Weight

The amount of Wolfworthy you feed as a puppy is based on their expected Adult weight. The breeder may have given you an indication, if not, ask them if they can provide more information. If they are not sure ask for the weight of mum and dad. If you are still struggling have a look on the breed club website for an average. If you have a mixed breed puppy knowing the parent weights will be helpful. To find out how to establish your puppies Expected Adult Weight click here.

Once you know the Expected Adult Weight look up your puppies feeding chart here: Puppy Feeding Guide 

Understanding the feeding chart

Your puppies feeding chart will show a range to feed based on their current weight. This is amount is the total daily allowance and will be split into smaller meals depending on your puppies age. Weigh your puppy and look up their weight in the left-hand column. It is easy to weigh a puppy by getting on the scales yourself then getting back on holding the puppy. The difference in weights is the weight of your puppy.

Start out with the low end of the range and weigh it accurately with a digital scale.


How to move over to Wolfworthy from another Dry Food

If your dog is currently on a dry or wet food we recommend transitioning over 2 weeks.

Days 1 and 4   25% Wolfworthy with 75% current food

Days 5 and 8   50% Wolfworthy with 50% current food

Days 9 and 13   75% Wolfworthy with 25% current food

Days 14  100% Wolfworthy


How to move over to Wolfworthy from Raw

If your dog is currently on a raw food we recommend transitioning like so:

Days 1 to 3  Use a small amount of Wolfworthy as a training treat to get your dog used to the taste and texture.

Days 4 to 7  Swap out one raw meal for Wolfworthy. If you have a puppy who is on more than 2 meals a day this stage will take a few days longer.

Days 8 - 14 Aim for the majority Wolfworthy our suggestion is 75% dry and 25% raw

Day 14 100% Wolfworthy

NB: Remember raw food holds a lot of water so always leave a fresh bowl of water down at all times for your dog. It is normal and expected for your dog to drink more.


You do not need to soak it

As Wolfworthy does not contain any grain or rice which swell and expand with water therefore there is nothing to soften. Our food is mainly meat and most puppies are more than ready to have it, as it is. What we have found particularly effective is to hand feed. This is simply using their daily portion as a training treat. The amount you feed in the beginning is small and this is a perfect opportunity to teach your puppy some basic skills. Feeding one piece at a time is also an incredible way for you to bond with your new puppy, they learn you are the food provider and feel safe.

How often should I feed?

Up to 4 months in age, feed 4 times a day (the daily allowance split into 4 meals)

4-6 months in age, feed 3 times a day (the daily allowance split into 3 meals)

After 6 months in age, feed 2 times a day (the daily allowance split into 2 meals)

What if my puppy isn't eating all of the food?

Most puppies will just Wolf down the food but some puppies can be less food motivated. Check the guide to make sure you are not feeding too much. There are other ways to feed which your puppy will love.

Make mealtime a game. Working for a piece of food increases its value. You can fill a toy with the food so they have to 'hunt' to get it. This has the added benefit of keeping them busy and wearing them out! The toys we find work well are Snuffle Mats, Dog Tornadoes and Kongs. Check our Instagram to see our puppy, Mylo,  having his entire meal from a Snuffle Mat and a Dog Tornado: Mylo & Snuffle Mat

Keep an eye on your puppy's body condition and poo

Weigh your puppy every few weeks to see if the feeding amount needs to be increased. Don't do this by eye or by just adding a bit more every few weeks. Puppies do not grow in a straight line, they have slower periods of growth then spurts. Feed accurately depending on their current weight. Overfeeding a puppy will cause soft stools.

How to tell when to transition to the Adult feeding amount

Reaching adulthood means your puppy's rapid growth will slow dramatically. When this happens they will not need the same amount of calories and the feeding amount should slowly be reduced, over a few weeks, to the amount on the adult feeding guide here: Adult Feeding Guide 

Look for these signs to see if this is happening to your puppy:

  • Not finishing all the food
  • Beginning to look fatter
  • Soft poo

Generally, small dogs mature around 9 months, medium dogs around 12 months and giant breeds 18 months.

If you have any other questions our Help page is packed full of information on our food