Yes, you can feed Wolfworthy alongside RAW

Yes, you can feed Wolfworthy alongside RAW

Yes, you can feed Wolfworthy alongside RAW

Every now and then we get asked if it is ok to feed Wolfworthy alongside a raw diet. Many owners would love the flexibility of a dry food but with so many conflicting opinions online as to how to feed your dog we thought it would be helpful for those who are considering mixing raw and dry, to hear first hand from our customer and blog contributor, Valerie Forster (proud owner of, Henry, the Boston Terrier), about how she does exactly this. 

My Boston terrier was 9 weeks old when I got him and on a cheap kibble. I straightaway put him on to a better one but wanted to transfer him to raw as soon as possible. My first attempt left him a little loose (or he might have had a slight tummy upset) and so I went back to kibble. He was extremely windy on the kibble which is well known with this breed. At 3 months old I put him on to just raw completes and this was a success this time.

As the summer approached I found that he was not always ready for his breakfast and so the raw meat would not keep fresh enough being left down so I tried Wolfworthy for his breakfast which he enjoyed better than the previous kibble I had tried. His diet now is 50% kibble which for him being 10kg is 75g in the morning and in the evening the other 50% of his food is raw 150g. He has no more wind doing this than when eating just raw. I will stick with this for him as he is thriving on it. He is now 20 months old.


Wolfworthy is a 'complete food' which means you do not need to add anything to it to ensure your dog is getting everything they need to stay fit and healthy. We love the raw ethos and have raw fed one of our own dogs in the past (before kids!) but it is not for everyone. Many owners love raw but want a bit of flexibility too.
We believe Wolfworthy is the best dry food on the market. It can be fed successfully alongside raw, and as it is a complete food the balance of vitamins and minerals is correct. It is made using the highest quality ingredients, including organ meats, and is completely grain-free.

Wolfworthy is rated one of the best British dry dog foods by AllAboutDogFood.co.uk and featured in DogsToday magazine as on the UK’s best dog foods.

If you liked this post you may also enjoy Wolfworthy: The Dry Food Alternative to Feeding Raw

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