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Demystifying Grass-Eating in Dogs: What We Know and How to Help Them Kick the Habit

Demystifying Grass-Eating in Dogs: What We Know and How to Help Them Kick the Habit

Demystifying Grass-Eating in Dogs: What We Know and How to Help Them Kick the Habit

Why do dogs eat grass?

There are many theories about why dogs eat grass, but the truth is, we don't really know for sure. Some people think that dogs eat grass when they're feeling sick, in an attempt to make themselves vomit. Others believe that dogs eat grass for nutritional reasons, because it contains fibre and other nutrients that can be beneficial for their health. There are those who believe that dogs eat grass for the sheer enjoyment of the taste or texture. Dogs are also curious creatures and will often explore their environment by sniffing and licking. If a dog is not getting enough exercise or mental stimulation, they may start to eat grass as a way to pass the time. This is especially common in puppies and young dogs, who have a lot of energy and need to be kept busy.

While the exact reason why dogs eat grass is still unknown, academic research suggests that it is a behaviour that has been passed down from their wild ancestors.

Grass-eating is generally not harmful to dogs, although it is important to be aware that the grass may have been sprayed with herbicides, fertilisers, or pesticides, which can be harmful to your dog. 

How can you help your dog to stop eating grass?

  • Supervise your dog when they are outside. Voice training your dog using “off” when they go to eat the grass. Then offer them a piece of Wolfworthy as a reward.
  • Give your dog plenty of chew toys. Chewing helps to keep dogs occupied and can also help to prevent boredom-related behaviours like chewing on furniture or shoes.
  • Take your dog for regular walks or hikes. Exercise is a great way to tire out your dog and help them to stay focused. A tired dog is less likely to eat grass out of boredom. 
  • Spend time playing with your dog. Playing fetch, tug-of-war, or other interactive games can help to keep your dog entertained and prevent them from getting bored.

It is important to keep an eye on how much grass they are eating and whether they show any other signs of illness. If your dog is eating a lot of grass or starts vomiting, having diarrhoea, or losing weight, it's a good idea to talk to your vet.